News: Getting the best deal on Laminate Flooring

Getting the best deal on Laminate Flooring
  • Getting the best deal on laminate flooring can take a little time to research all the choices on the market these days. The two basic choices you have these days are buying online or buying in your local market. Online merchants don't tend to carry the high overhead cost as your local flooring store.  There are pros and cons when buying your laminate flooring from either place.
  • The advantage of purchasing from a local flooring store are:
  • 1. Being able to see all the samples and choices in one place. 
  • 2. Having them supply an installer to install the laminate flooring.
  • 3. Feeling confident that if any problems arise they are close by.
  • 4. Most flooring stores will let you pay a portion of the bill first and you pay the balance when the job is complete and you are satisfied.
  • The disadvantage of purchasing from a local flooring store are:
  • You will most likely pay a higher price for the laminate flooring.
  • You will pay the sales tax.
  • Most often you will not know the quality of workmanship of the installer they will send to your home.
  • The advantage of purchasing from an online merchant are:
  • You can get a better quality of laminate flooring for the price.
  • You can shop from your home and have samples delivered to you (most often for free)
  • In most cases you will not pay a sales tax.
  • No high pressure salesman.
  • The disadvantage of purchasing from an online merchant are:
  • You do not get to see all the samples at once.
  • Some online merchants may not be the most trustworthy. (do some home work) Check out
  • It may not be too easy to talk to a real person sometimes.

Here are a couple of examples.

In this photo I used a penny to illustrate the thickness of this laminate flooring. This laminate flooring was purchased online at 2.52 per square foot. The thickness is 14 mm with a very durable surface of AC 5 rating ( Ac rating system is based on a 1 to 5 scale, 5 being the strongest). The 2.52 per square foot included the freight, which was delivered to the home.

Getting the best deal on Laminate Flooring

This next photo shows what was purchased at a local big box store. This product cost 2.48 per square foot. The thickness is 8 mm and I couldn't find an AC rating on it. The planks did not fit together as good as the other product above.

Getting the best deal on Laminate Flooring

If your serious about finding the best deal on laminate flooring do the research, take some time and make sure you don't make the mistake of paying too much or buying a sub standard product. If your into installing it yourself learn as much as you can about what it takes to install it yourself.

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Once I buy my flooring what should I expect to pay for labor?

Thats wot i wondered as a mate sed he would do it but im unsure how much offer

It depends on where you live for one thing. Some cities have a higher cost of living, while others are less expensive to live in. It can range from 3 to 4 dollars a foot to as little as 1.00 a square foot for labor. You should do a little research to find a competitive rate for your area. Don't go with the cheapest price or you could regret it. A lot of installers will tell you they are professional laminate installers when in fact they are not. Ask for references and check them out.

In the south where I'm located labor to install laminate flooring is about 1.50 to 2.00 a square foot.

Shopping online seems to be the better deal.

Nice and informative blog! But what would be the preferable way for buying?

Laminate Flooring

It takes a lot of time and research for finding the most competitive flooring prices . I definitely know from experience. I recently changed the carpets in my house to newer ones.

I need a great deal moneys very tight i want a good thick floot as i woz bit unlucky wiv my 1st wiv it rottin but i suffered water damage quite bad ly , but im clueless in wots a good deal for the product Even the Squares underlay confused me it wozt cheap but didt rate it but aving water damage mite b why i think that .How do you no wots best to use & if your over paying ??????_

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