Hot DIY laminate floors Posts
News: Laminate flooring, floor preparation
There can be areas of preparation you may not have anticipated before you start your project of installing your laminate flooring.
News: Install your laminate flooring on stairs
How to install laminate flooring on stairs
News: Install your own laminate flooring
Learn how to install your laminate flooring
News: Do you want to install laminate flooring on your stairs?
If you want to install laminate flooring on your stairs I would recommend that you do a lot of research and find the information you will need to do it correctly. Installing laminate flooring on stairs can be tedious and time consuming and is a lot different than installing laminate flooring on a floor.
News: Installing Laminate Tile Over Ceramic Tile
I'm starting a laminate tile installation next Thursday. I thought I will show what is involved from start to finish. It's going in a kitchen and two bathrooms. There is ceramic tile in these rooms now and I'm installing the laminate tile right over the ceramic tile. The problem with the ceramic tile is it has white grout and my client can't keep the grout clean.
News: Under cutting door jambs with a hand saw, before installing laminate flooring
If your installing your own laminate flooring, you may need to under cut some door jambs. Cutting your own door jambs with a hand saw is the least expensive way. You can rent or purchase an electric jamb saw if you prefer. In my opening photo is a door jamb hand saw, which can be purchased for under 20.00 at the big box stores. When installing laminate flooring the laminate needs to be able to slide under the door jambs so it appears that the door jambs are installed on top of the laminate fl...
News: I installed a really tough (like iron) laminate flooring today
This laminate flooring is very impressive as far as the surface is concerned. My client actually used a sharp screw and tried to scratch it, and we could not see anything. It is rated as a AC3 which is mid grade as the grading system is from AC1 to AC 5, 5 being the best.
News: Getting the best deal on Laminate Flooring
Getting the best deal on laminate flooring can take a little time to research all the choices on the market these days. The two basic choices you have these days are buying online or buying in your local market. Online merchants don't tend to carry the high overhead cost as your local flooring store. There are pros and cons when buying your laminate flooring from either place.